About Us

(Global) is a rapidly growing woman-owned firm that specializes in remediation, industrial hygiene, environmental engineering, and construction. On July 11, 2002, Global was certified as a participant in the 8(a) program. In 2003, Global received its first contract under the 8(a) program – with the National Park Service to reconstruct a portion of the historic C&O Canal. Industrial hygiene contracts with the Bureau of Engraving and Printing, the Maryland Department of General Services were also won that same year. In 2004, Global began supporting the U.S. Department of State and the U.S. Department of Transportation, providing environmental engineering and industrial hygiene services under subcontract. Also in 2004, the Small Business Administration approved a Mentor/Protégé Agreement between Global (Protégé) and SaLUT (Mentor).

Global Consulting recently provided on-site project administration and oversight for the remediation of contaminated residences at the Libby, Montana Superfund site as a subcontractor to SaLUT. Global is currently providing subcontractor services to SaLUT on SaLUT’s contract with the U.S. Department of State. Global industrial hygienists have conducted asbestos inspections and abatement monitoring in Europe, Asia, and North America.

About us

Environmental safety services you can trust.


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Our Expertise

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Our Promise

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Bakken Inc


Welle LTD

AD Agency

Aasen Co.

Design Firm

Manage Lty

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